Author: Nannette Y. Yount, Michael R. Yeaman
Year: 2005
Category: Bioinformatics Peptides Antimicrobial
Publisher: PNAS
DOI: 10.1073
My short notes
3D motif discovery for antimicrobial peptides: multidimensional signature model. This is a unifying structural theme. Has evolutionary roots, predicts not yet existing peptides and identified known peptides to have antimicrobial properties.
Common peptide properties (i) small proteins (<10kDa), (ii) cationic charges (+2/+7 at pH7), (iii) amphipathic (hydrophobic and hydrophilic facets).
Select a set of peptides from a known set, also include known peptides with yet unknown antimicrobial property but structural similarities.
Prepare a protocal to test the antimicrobial effects (assay for antimicrobial activity).
My ideas
- Embedding Antimicrobial Peptides on the surfaces.
- Coctail of peptides to check if their interaction with the organisms are based on different processes
Tags: Bioinformatics 3D Motifs Signatures
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